This may be a slightly odd aside on the journey for Mead but yesterday somewhere between dressing like a Pirate and the usual peculiarities of Slimelight I finished a friend’s bottle of Catch the Bear Mead. Undoubtably a pun on honey bears.
At least I think it was Mead, at 36% abv it was definitely on the side of the honey brandies, poured from a glass bottle in the shape of a teddy bear. This slightly disturbed me, but then I’m already pretty disturbed, thus the picture.
A find at last years Witchfest, sold to my mate by a German dressed as a Scot, named Aengus MacLeod. Of course it was. We think this makes it a German mead, but who can tell
With the scent akin to Calvados, this one promises to be er… interesting, and the taste was that of a very sweet Potcheen. A shot of alcohol with enough honey and sugar to take the burning aftertaste away. Quite pleasant really, but probably never to be repeated.
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