Saturday, 13 June 2009

Midaus Nektaras Grizta Vyrai

OK next of the Mead brandies from the very special Mead set. Although now at 40% abv I’m making no pretense that we’re in the realms of Mead any more.

A much lighter colour that the Sventine this looks more like Mead, the Midus website doesn’t include a description but the ingredients listed include:
Half-finished Mead product, alcoholized apple and quince juice, distillilate of the alcoholized apple juice, lemon acid, Dandelion blossoms or Dandelion root.

So definitely not a mead then.

The scent reminds me a little of a Schnapps and a party a wee while ago where someone had an equally dangerous set of German drinks. It’s also quite sweet smelling like mead, but it’s got to be different.

The taste is not unpleasant, sweet with a ting of alcohol but then the after burn kicks in. This feels a bit like a Calvados, but not so sickly sugary as the Lubelska I had the other week.

There’s another note on the bottle
Spititnis Gerimas alcoholic drink
so perhaps Schnapps is a better description than a brandy. The wiki definition of Schnapps sounds very close, sort of an Eau de Vie, but made from honey rather than fruit.

Over time the taste grows on me a little and it does sort of feel like a Mead, just with too much alcohol to make it drinkable in any quantity. They get stronger from here so whatever’s next?

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