A surprising find at Budgens and pretty cheap at £5.80 a bottle, Broadlands Norfolk Mead is perfectly palatable but nothing particular special.
With quick a sweet stickly taste akin to that of Harvest Gold, it lacks the drier lighter taste of more expensive (better quality?) meads. There’s also a slight vinegary scent so perhaps the bottle’s been sitting in Budgens for too long. Equally my snobbery may be corrupting my palate at this point.
Quite a smooth texture with a bitter after taste, more reminiscent for a white wine than a Mead. Successive glasses have proved to be much more drinkable.
The bottle describes the Mead as
The Grandfather of Country Wines
Which I guess suggests the makers are more into the production of fruit wines than the drink of the gods that is Mead.
Overall a better drink than the Harvest Gold from Morrisons but perhaps you really do get what you pay for.
Is this what mead is supposed to taste like ? I got a bottle today from asda after being surprised they had mead at all. It tastes chemically and like a poor white with lots of honey added to backsweeten. It has a minty/liquorice after taste, and a bitter tang seems apparent as well. It tastes pretty nasty to me so far...