On a recent trip to the Hive, I had the delight of stumbling upon some tasting notes for the drinking of Mead. They suggested that the Mead in question went well with a Strong Stilton, and despite the Mead in question having been long ago drunk here are my first thoughts.
The Stilton in question was the strongest I could find at the evil corporate superstore that was open at the time, and I need to try this again with a cheese more interesting. The Meads were both Harvest Gold and Norfolk, which I had on hand from the previous nights drinking.
The taste of the Stilton was a very bitter, pungent contrast to the Meads and the difference was very interesting, and incredibly intense. Intense enough that I broke the two up with bread on most attempts. Equally I’m not sure the two complimented each other in any way, which may have been a reflection of both meads being sweet and sickly (and cheap).
So not a stunning success, but a clear path to a 2nd attempt with a cleaner drier Mead, and a subtler less homogenised Stilton. For now the best accompaniment to mead seems to be more mead.
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