While researching Tej and Ethopian meads I stumbled upon a particular good history of Tej and Ethopia which as a precaution I’ve posted below (things on the internet occasionally and inconveniently vanish.
However in the odd world of the internet, someone seems to have objected to me posting this here. Now if this was the original author than fair enough, but equally this is a blog about drinking mead. One would have thought that with all the credits I included, the thank you’s and the links that a sense of perspective might be possible.
In the cause of advancing human knowledge, and of raising the standards of knowledge about the history of Ethopia, this post is hereby censored by the internet police.
For the main text see here and many thanks to Harry Kloman for the original text. If you ever end up reading this my apologies for pinching your work. However as a precaution against loosing it {well we’re buggered now}
All About Tej
Off to my local book burning tonight, anyone care to join me……
The material you post here was written by me, and I DID NOT give you permission to republish it. Please remove my copyrighted material from your blog. You are free to link to it, but you have no right to take my writing and post it on your site.
ReplyDeleteHarry Kloman
And by the way: Why don't you put your name on your site and put an e-mail contact address? It seems like you simply want to steal other people's words and hide behind the internet so nobody can contact you.
ReplyDeleteHarry Kloman
Mainly because this site is just a bit of fun, mainly about drinking mead with the odd bit of history thrown in for good measure.
ReplyDeleteI quite liked your work, credited you, linked to you and said thankyou.
I also access this blog very occasionally so didn't see your comments until Google removed them. And until after I rewrote the post accordingly.
I'm also astonished that there's actually anyone out there reading this.
Finally I still think you wrote a good history of Ethopia and Tej. Maybe someday more people will read it.